About me
My name is Daniel Nagy.
I live in Budapest, Hungary.
I am a personal Jeweller.
My wife an I have a quite famous and successful jewellery design studio. (www.brilldor.com)
We take part as many competition and trophies as we know about all around the world. We won 56 different international awards to date. These challanges make us very satisfied, not only because successes, but our hunger of creativity (design and creation).
So my profession is not photography, but I spend almost all the rest of my time to push the buttons :-), even I really have no any free time.
I know how long I learned (and I continue) my profession and I can see its deepnesses, and know I will have no time to get the same in photography, but I try to be precise and smart.
I have three beautiful children (Balint (2009), Marci (2006), Edua (2004). My wife is beautiful also, so I have 4 modells all the time.
I usually take pictures about them, and about our unique jewel pieces.
My favourite category of photography is model photo:
- fashion, nude, glamour, portrait, etc.
I have a well equipped studio with indoor pool, but I have not too many time to pracitce.
Maybe that is all what I can tell about me.
I am very happy if you write me, and I will do answer.
I speak in Hungarian and English.
If you wish to have or give any special and personal jewellery, I am more than happy to help you !
I live in Budapest, Hungary.
I am a personal Jeweller.
My wife an I have a quite famous and successful jewellery design studio. (www.brilldor.com)
We take part as many competition and trophies as we know about all around the world. We won 56 different international awards to date. These challanges make us very satisfied, not only because successes, but our hunger of creativity (design and creation).
So my profession is not photography, but I spend almost all the rest of my time to push the buttons :-), even I really have no any free time.
I know how long I learned (and I continue) my profession and I can see its deepnesses, and know I will have no time to get the same in photography, but I try to be precise and smart.
I have three beautiful children (Balint (2009), Marci (2006), Edua (2004). My wife is beautiful also, so I have 4 modells all the time.
I usually take pictures about them, and about our unique jewel pieces.
My favourite category of photography is model photo:
- fashion, nude, glamour, portrait, etc.
I have a well equipped studio with indoor pool, but I have not too many time to pracitce.
Maybe that is all what I can tell about me.
I am very happy if you write me, and I will do answer.
I speak in Hungarian and English.
If you wish to have or give any special and personal jewellery, I am more than happy to help you !
Belphnaque 20/03/2018 23:02
Szia Péter ! Most kalandoztam ide vissza, és látom, hogy mit írtál. Nagyon köszönöm a szívet melenget? megjegyzésed. Igazán jól esik. Azóta is töretlenül fotózom, de sajnos kevesebb id?m ide jönni. Remélem a jöv?ben sikerül majd.Péter Csepely 13/01/2012 21:42
KeEdves Dani, részemről az öröm....:) Annyira gyorsan "kellett" írnom a képhez, hogy el sem jutottam odáig, hogy írhatnék magyarul is. Több, jóval több van a képeiden, képeidben, mint amit csak fotózásnak lehet mondani..... valóban elbűvölőnek látom őket... ötlet, érzések, türelem, szépség(!), technika, tudás és nagyon magas igényesség az, ami nekem átjön az egyes képek saját történetén túl..... csak elismerésemet tudom tolmácsolni valóban.. Üdv, Péterbauke 06/03/2010 1:36
its not your profession, but you take beautiful pictures !!!Belphnaque 03/03/2010 0:14
Merci beaucoup Jacques !Jacques Millet 02/03/2010 11:52
Many nice pictures !!!!!!!Best regards
felidae. 22/12/2007 23:55
Welcome to the Fotocommunity.com.We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.
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Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)
Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager