Amit Gurung

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About me

I'm just the beginner.But i had always wanted to be a good photographer.Due to we are medium class families,my family can't affort me good camera...But i had started clicking photos with my normal camera.Cause for me photography is not only better quality,there should be story on it...means a photo should be meaningful and should be taken with good and perfect angle's.
Photos:I think photos are past and future both...cause,through those past photos we can interdues some one who is no more with us,we can recall our past like roming with friends,playing with childrens and many more activities we have done with our own ones...and for future: i think with those past photos we can motivate or correct or inprove our future...So,for me photos and phographies are both past and future.
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  • Photographer (beginner)
  • Photo Interested