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Stefan S. Mosley 07/11/2011 19:58
Very beautiful photos, Aki, well done.wholecry 19/04/2011 10:58
Thank you for the nice comment!BW
Giovanni Bonnerarte 14/04/2011 22:16
Giovanni BonnerarteRotor Head
Giovanni BonnerarteSuper Puma II
Giovanni BonnerarteSuper Puma XI
Giovanni Bonnerarte...a presto...
Saluti Giovanni
Christian Zirsky 01/04/2011 21:54
Thank you very much for such a lot of comments. I'm glad you like some of my photos. And thank you for the beautiful photos presented to us at your site, too!br Chris
Fischer mit Flasche ...
Christian ZirskySommerstimmung auf Teneriffa
Christian ZirskyHerbst 2
Christian ZirskySilhouette
Christian ZirskyEbrahim Saeedi 29/09/2009 13:34
slaw,boa aksakant dastt xvash jvan bon, taza chand aksm danava vaghtt habo datvani bian biniBraim
Ebrahim Saeedi 24/09/2009 9:02
slaw . khvashhal bom ba ditni khvato aksakant hivadarm sarkavto bit,