4,055 0

Sebastian Schwandtner

Premium (World), Wuerselen


Wurm im Naturschutzgebiet Wurmtal in der zwischen Würselen Scherberg und Herzogenrath Kohlscheid, Nähe Restaurant Teuter Hütten
(https://www.google.com/maps/place/50%C2%B049'21.4%22N+6%C2%B006'15.0%22E/@50.8226242,6.103222,224m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d50.822623!4d6.104159?entry=ttu )

Kamera: Minolta X500
Film: Fomapan 100 classic
Entwickler: Adox Ardonal
Scan vom SW-Negativ: Canon 9000F Mark II

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Sebastian Schwandtner wishes constructive feedback for this photo. Please help by giving tips on image composition, technique, imagery, etc. (always be friendly and respectful)