THE RED DRAPE photo & image | portrait, women, c f images at photo community
THE RED DRAPE Photo & image by Maria João Arcanjo ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
the cape with its warm red enveloping a beautiful face and expressive eyes ... splendid your portrait, and I see Inesz in her features.
greetings, Adele
Berthold Klammer 20/11/2016 16:00
Unbelievable light touching this woman! Her eyes seem like starsbrightening her face of dignity. Regards Berthold
Roland Hoffmann 04/07/2014 21:33
Art is by itself artificial. In my opinion the eyes are quite a bit too dramaticly shining.ARMANDO ROMÃO 02/03/2014 20:22
Maravilha de retrato.Frederick Mann 16/01/2014 19:47
intensity.. mit Hingabe
Andreas_Napravnik 16/01/2014 18:08
Wunderbar, ein starkes Porträt.LG Andreas
lewski 16/01/2014 7:49
excellent image. I love the light and colours.thanks for sharing
Mannus Mann 15/01/2014 17:17
Sehr gut gibt dein Foto das Besonderedes Gesichts der Dame wieder.
Viele Fotos und schöne Tage
wünsche ich dir, Mannus aus Köln, DE.
Rainer Switala 15/01/2014 15:17
ein stilles ruhiges portraitdas rote gewand erhöht den reiz
gruß rainer
Claudio Micheli 15/01/2014 13:17
...è bella, molto!Ciao
Adele D. Oliver 14/01/2014 22:09
the cape with its warm red enveloping a beautiful face and expressive eyes ... splendid your portrait, and I see Inesz in her features.greetings, Adele
Rainer Golembiewski 14/01/2014 21:50
......very good portrait! Sehr gutes Portrait! Happy new year!mickey40 14/01/2014 20:29
superbe portrait !!!!amitiés
Haiying 14/01/2014 19:54
Beautiful portrait!Ramon Gamell 14/01/2014 19:50
Un retrato excelente.Felicidades.
Marguerite L. 14/01/2014 19:23
Grossartiges Portrait, es geht tiefGrüessliM