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The Couple
Silver-studded blue - Plebejus argus
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Canan Oner 10/07/2009 14:25
A beautiful macro composition...Excellent..Cheers,
chris nsmith 08/06/2009 18:58
Great shotbw
j.a.j.jansen m. 07/06/2009 18:12
A lovely macro with nice and soft colours.Jan.
Matthias Moritz 07/06/2009 13:15
Sharp eyes to catch this situation! Well done.Franz Engels 07/06/2009 8:35
Immer wieder beeindruckend, diese Falter-Makros, wenn sie so gestochen scharf sind wie hier. Klasse!Uta Rg. 07/06/2009 8:29
Gratulation - sehr schönes Fotos.LG