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the cheeky one...

the cheeky one...

877 3

Ramunas Siugzda

Free Account, London

the cheeky one...

the penguin kept posing to every camera flash... it didn't move a bit for more than half an hour...

Comments 3

  • Geoff Ashton 08/10/2007 19:45

    agree with Alfred
    i would of croped a lot off of the top
    would also i think of been nicer if the feet were compleat
    cheers geoff
  • Gerryj 08/10/2007 5:53

    Maybe he is trying out for a role in the next Disney penguin film? He's very cute.
  • Alfred Spectrum 07/10/2007 20:57

    He indeed looks as if he is ready for a photoshoot, he did his hair in a nice style. A little crop on top of the photo would make it better I think.
    Best regards,