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Sufi Dancer 02

Sufi Dancer 02

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Eslam Hosny

Free Account, Cairo

Sufi Dancer 02

Sufi whirling (or Sufi spinning), is a twirling meditation that originated among Sufis, which is still practiced by the Dervishes of the Mevlevi order. It is a symbolic ritual through which dervishes (also called semazens) aim to reach the "perfect" (kemal). The aim is to abandon one's nafs, egos or personal desires, by listening to God and the music (hence the term sema), thinking about God and whirling which has been compared to the orbiting of the planets in the Solar System around the sun.

Comments 3

  • Eslam Hosny 27/04/2009 12:14

    thanx micheal and yes dance is a great invention, Cynthia it's amazing you have to see it live one day you'll never forget it.
  • Cynthia Riley 27/04/2009 11:38

    i find this so interesting and bueatiful,im from a small farm town in the states and have never seen anything like this before ,thank you
  • Micha D. 27/04/2009 0:31

    very nice the dance is percetible


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