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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 50

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 50

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Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 50

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 50

In this lesson: “MORE FOR LESS” = “Mehr für weniger” and “LESS IS MORE” = “Weniger ist mehr”

On the one hand less is a problem for a wide-angle lens (1) because the sense of this lens is to get more on the photo. On the other hand you can get more things on one photo. That is here an advantage (2) because now you can see that the houses bend down (3) more or less on the t-shirt and the photographer. Evidently (4) houses have a natural curiosity (5) like humans. With a normal lens that would not have been possible (6).

(1) Weitwinkelobjektiv
(2) Vorteil
(3) (hier:) herunterbeugen
(4) augenscheinlich
(5) Neugierde
(6) wäre nicht möglich gewesen

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