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Scandivian wandering part.2

Scandivian wandering part.2

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Maciek Duczynski

Free Account, Katowice

Scandivian wandering part.2

Norway, Lofots Islands.

Comments 2

  • Maciek Duczynski 07/12/2005 13:17

    Hi Sabine
    I took it with EOS 20D in color, converted in PS with orange B&W simulation using chanel mixer.

    Thanks for comment
  • Sabine Gilcher 07/12/2005 12:30

    a wonderful pic! I admire the greyscale, the fine details in the foregroundand the general composition. Is it an original B&W or is it a colour pic changed into B&W?
    I wish you a lot of fun here cin the fc.

    lg Sabine