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Redipuglia Sacrario

Redipuglia Sacrario

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Tiziano Belli

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Redipuglia Sacrario

Hill St. Elia

how many are You, young people,who deceased in battle and
now lie in this sepulchre visited by the living?in thousands bound, all,
by the same destiny and that day far gone in front of the death what was
your last thought? "Love Love Love"

Colle S. Elia

quanti siete Voi, giovani, che morti in battaglia ora giacete in questo sepolcro visitato dai vivi? in migliaia legati, tutti, dallo stesso destino e quel giorno lontano davanti alla morte quale era il vostro pensare? "Amore Amore Amore"

Hügel S. Elia

Wieviele seid Ihr in der Schlacht gefallene Jugendliche,und ruht jetzt
in diesem Grab,das von Lebenden besucht wird? Tausende,und alle vom selben Schicksal heimgesucht und was war an jenem Tag,lange vor Eurem
Tod, Euer Gedanke? ,,Liebe Liebe Liebe"

Szent Elia Domb

mennyien vagytok Ti, fiatalok, kik a harcban elvesztetek, s most hallgattok e sírban kiket élők latogatnak? Ezrek összekötve, mind
ugyanazon sors által, azon a napon ott a halál színe előtt mi volt
utolsó gondolatotok? „Szeretet Szeretet Szeretet”

Grič Svetega Elije

koliko vas je vas, mladih,ki ste umrli v boju sedaj počivate v tej grobnici obiskania od živih? V tisočih povezani, vsi z isto usodo
in tisti danlni pred smrtjo o čem ste takrat mislili?
ljubezen ljubezen«

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