Pikaboo photo & image | humor, undefined, special images at photo community
Pikaboo Photo & image by Tor-Henrik Furmyr ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
@ Adam: It's an egg sitting in the center tube of a toilet-paper-roll balancing ontop of my flash, making all the light come from underneath and into the egg..... The "eyes" is photoshopped in afterwards..
The idea originally came from Bernd Meiseberg
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Julia Motovilova-Khachaturyan 11/05/2008 13:02
nice crazy picture =)))Julie
Mathias Basten 08/02/2008 19:57
Funny composition. Thanks.Andrej Nagode 28/01/2008 11:06
Great picture!I like it.
BW Andrejc
Christiane Wüllner 14/01/2008 18:30
When i see this picture i remember this funny evening!!LOL
:-)) Christiane
Alexandra Baltog 14/01/2008 17:24
hehehe!!! great idea!Andrew Le Busque(vizard photography..) 14/01/2008 8:04
Awesome love that idea!! this look better than the original one of yours.Well done
Tor-Henrik Furmyr 14/01/2008 2:00
@ Adam: It's an egg sitting in the center tube of a toilet-paper-roll balancing ontop of my flash, making all the light come from underneath and into the egg..... The "eyes" is photoshopped in afterwards..The idea originally came from Bernd Meiseberg .
Also look at
Anxcious Clementiner
Tor-Henrik Furmyrtotto
Tove Følid 14/01/2008 1:22
Great and funny shot. :-))))))