Neighbor photo & image | portrait, women, people images at photo community
Neighbor Photo & image by Tom Conley ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
indeed you are a lucky person to have such a shy and charming neighbor who not only could pose for you but also .... (use your imagination)
great capture of her with nice soft lighting
indeed not only she is relax but well behaved
Love to see more images of her
lovely dress
Kombizz Kashani 17/07/2007 13:18
Tomindeed you are a lucky person to have such a shy and charming neighbor who not only could pose for you but also .... (use your imagination)
great capture of her with nice soft lighting
indeed not only she is relax but well behaved
Love to see more images of her
lovely dress
Wayne Tsipouras 16/07/2007 8:53
Cute pose and model, beautiful portrait.-Wayne
AnnaVonZypern 16/07/2007 4:37
this photo has a "classic" aspect about it, maybe the lights on her body as noted beforeJoseph Eastman 16/07/2007 2:54
Georgeous girl next door.... the light really enhance her atributes...Congrats,