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love under this romantic summer tree ii

love under this romantic summer tree ii

752 3

love under this romantic summer tree ii

under this holy tree,
i sat,

under this tree,
where heavenly white lights fall,
filtering throught these emerald leaves,
sparkling like a thousand diamonds;

under this romantic tree,
i realised love...


Comments 3

  • Drjeongphu Phu 06/11/2005 19:34

    Jürgen Kunze, yesterday at 23:55h
    Nice picture, I like it.
    LG. Jürgen !

    thanks J.kunze,
    this is one of the most romantic

    Jeong cp
  • H-Jürgen K... 05/11/2005 23:55

    Nice picture, I like it.
    LG. Jürgen !
  • Drjeongphu Phu 05/11/2005 23:01

    under this tree,
    i sat,

    under this tree,
    throught the green leaves,
    a thousand sparkling diamonds;
    raining on my body;

    under this romantic tree,
    i realised love...

    : Drjeongphu Phu