Ladybird with a splash of blue photo & image | animals, wildlife, insects images at photo community
Ladybird with a splash of blue Photo & image by Izabela Glajcar ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
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Section | Nature: Beetles |
Views | 5,546 |
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Camera | NIKON D3100 |
Lens | Tokina AT-X M100 PRO D (AF 100mm f/2.8 Macro) |
Aperture | 14 |
Exposure time | 1/125 |
Focus length | 100.0 mm |
ISO | 200 |
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MIROSLAV JOVANOVIKJ 15/04/2012 19:16
Wonderful micro, nice color and sharp picture!Very nice, i lake it.
Greetings, Miroslav
Lichtdompteur 15/04/2012 12:13
Spring time means macro time! :DBeautiful pic, especially the flow of the acuity und the converse colours.
Pawel Majewski 07/04/2012 19:56
Ha! I nawet moja ulubiona biedrona jest tutaj...