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La xica del funicular - The funicular's girl

La xica del funicular - The funicular's girl

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Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

Comments 5

  • Josep A. Collado 08/11/2005 0:41

    @Cees: Thanks. Yes: maybe is this the true story....
    @Carles: I think that my eyes too, when I took the photo :-)
    Sí la vaig fer amb flash (hi havia massa contrast entre dins i fora)
    @Jutta:Thank you. I also think the girl is very beautiful
    @Robert: muchas gracias, mi querido amigo.
    by the way,I wonder, in the Yukon, how many minutes she could be endure with this clothe?... :-)
    Josep Antoni
  • Robert L. Roux 06/11/2005 23:26

    Super photo, and even an old guy like me -
    can learn something every day ... :-)
    Saludos, me amigo
    Both the hill climbing train and la bella xica look super in your photo ;))
  • JVision 06/11/2005 17:18

    Very beautiful girl and a wonderful composition.
  • PINDORIUS 06/11/2005 12:13

    My eyes are stopped in a small area ... suggestive :-))
    (vas fer servir flash?)
  • Cees Kuijs 06/11/2005 11:54

    Nice image, Josep. This one could also posted into the emotion section. Looks like she have say goodbuy to the one she loves.
    Greetings, Cees


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