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Comments 6

  • Kaith Kakavouli 13/03/2009 21:59

    not only good....
    a very very good one !!!!
  • Comy 05/01/2009 6:30

    a good one...
  • istvic 04/01/2009 22:52

    sorry..:} I took this picture few years ago in Bratislava,capitol of Slovakia..there was summit Bush -Putin.. small group of demonstrating people but batalion of policmen and soldiers..biggest part of stage were photographers from the whole world...
  • John LePage 04/01/2009 22:37

    The tension is easy to feel and begs for more information. I want to know what this confrontation is about. Well done
  • Michael Grotkamp 04/01/2009 16:37

    this pic needs a headline please (sorry), the shot is simply so interesting, that fans need a little chance about the background. Its a very good capture...
    best regards: Michael
  • Nagy Viktor 04/01/2009 15:59


    Justitia & gun