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In  the   village    3

In the village 3

2,510 3

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

In the village 3

In a certain village

The retired shopkeeper

After many years of hardship the retired shopkeeper still enjoys visiting every morning his , presently, lockdown ...premices and sitting peacefully at the doorstep in order to sip a coffee or read the local newspaper. The old faschioned scale used for years to weigh articles, usually coal,,still keeps him company!...

Comments 3

  • glabo 27/01/2021 17:59

    greast impression, wonderful scenery
    kind regards, glabo
  • SINA 27/01/2021 12:10

    Wundervoll ohne viele Worte.....

    alles liebe von Kristine
  • Stropp 27/01/2021 11:23

    Life can be very hard and complicated. Many people are suffering. It is precious to observe these moments of little happiness. Great pic!