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Hercules beating the Centaur Nessus

Hercules beating the Centaur Nessus

27,044 104

Mauro Tomassetti

Premium (World), Sono qui dal 12/2007 Roma

Hercules beating the Centaur Nessus


Nessus carried Hercules wife Deianeira across the river Euenos (he was the ferryman),
Then he tried to rape her. Very bad idea. Hercules saw this from across the river and shot an
arrow dipped in the poison of the Hydra into Nessus’ chest. Nessus, as he lay dying, told
Deianeira that his blood would ensure Hercules’ fidelity. She believed him, and when
she became worried, she dipped his shirt into the blood. Later, she spilled a little
on the floor and saw it fuming. She realized it was poison, but it was too late.
Although she sent a messenger to warn Hercules, he was already dying.

Comments 104


Folders Black&White
Views 27,044


Camera X10
Lens ---
Aperture 2.5
Exposure time 1/250
Focus length 14.8 mm
ISO 100

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