heal with me II

heal with me ????
There's a lot missing right now .... holiday plans, parties, meeting friends, the ease with which we danced through life ... but living a free life without structures is also good for us ... life is slowed down... without the stress of appointments .. without waiting times (at least in some places?) what a pleasure ... I have rediscovered a wonderful feeling ... deep gratitude ... which has always accompanied me but now it spreads over my life like a warm blanket and shows me my needs, which I believed to be lost. We will seldom come closer to our essence than we are now ... that includes feeling good again ... being motivated and full of vigor. You are happy about the moments regardless of the past ones ... you smile when you see children romping around each other, dogs running freely and people talking, laughing ... you grow a little taller when someone thanks you for being a friendly driver ... you see the urgent joy in people's faces when they thank you kindly for advice .... you see people and nature with different eyes ... see things again that you previously paid little attention to ... breathe deeper and more consciously and give mindfulness a completely new meaning .... moments that warm the soul ... because appreciation is in short supply in times like this ... It makes me sad to see what is happening in the world ... that politicians fail as humans do ... and deny help to the most helpless ... the wretchedness of the desperate in the countries who feel overwhelmed and left alone ... with unprecedented highest-ranking politicians who don't take people's primeval fears seriously, who use old patterns and who cannot lose and who desperately insist on their dwindling power .. because they feel that people are finally awakening and with all the time they have gained, finally their own needs and deepest desires perceive ... in the west as in the east ... everywhere ... wherever you look ... In the end there is no easy peasy solution for more motivation, for more joy in life and your own happiness ... but the knowledge ... not to despair of what is not possible, not to mourn what we are missing ... . just appreciate what we have right now ... what is going particularly well now ... appreciate the quiet ... ???? ... appreciate the tranquility ... rediscover nature ... live with the family, walk through the empty streets ... look closely at people's gardens .. get fit at home and see it as an opportunity to replace cherished, but not all too healthy habits .. and much more. ... don't sink into mourning about the future but check out what's possible with optimism and a breath of fresh air, break new ground, forge smaller, feasible plans ... and add a good dose of humor to the optimism ... then go ... then we can do it ... just like in the past few months ... together ?
happy new year to all of you :-)

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