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Das Haus am Meer....

Das Haus am Meer....

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Comments 5

  • sabeth niesen 23/03/2014 18:16

  • SandraKapunkt 18/11/2013 21:37

    "It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was over a million sparkles on the water. Like that mountain lake. It was so clear, Jenny. It looked like there were two skies, one on top of the other. And then in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began. It was so beautiful. " (Forrest Gump)
    Tolle Bilder!
  • Vio Letta 30/10/2013 13:30

    Schöne Spiegelung :)
  • annasnaps 22/07/2012 20:19

    echt schönes Motiv und gelungenes Bild :)
  • Anne Rudolph 14/07/2012 13:37

    die Spiegelungen sind echt gut
    lg anne