2,295 4

Comments 4

  • Josef Safranek 06/11/2004 20:44

    Schon lange keinen Bromöldruck mehr gesehen.um so mehr gefällt er mir.
    LG. josef
  • Steff Steff 08/10/2004 14:28

    Thanx Stephan, my first Bromoil didn't actually look like i had in mind. I had to get some practice with this technique first.
  • Günther Wilhelm 06/10/2004 23:36

  • Stephan Krines 05/10/2004 20:50

    I have never tried a Bromoil print, but I like the feel very much.
    This one looks really good. Is it your first Bromoil? There should be an extra section for this technique...
