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Dirk Hofmann 07/12/2005 21:44
mrs hofman says: i like it ... and she knows what's good ... :-)well done!
Sergio Pessolano 06/12/2005 19:43
Excellent framing.Nadine Schmadtke 06/12/2005 19:25
Very cool and intense...Nadine
When 06/12/2005 18:55
Much more interesting full size. Didn't like it in the thumbnail, but seeing now I'm rather fond of it.Jaime Crystal Attenborough 06/12/2005 11:21
i agree sort of destructive , seductive, and scareyi am quite drawen to this image.
great toning and expression in the eye !
well done great work
jaime :)
Hechelmar Hlomorka 06/12/2005 11:20
wow, great work, powerful face with super eyes!!