A Bastille Moment - No. 1
On this autumn afternoon in the Bastille district of Paris,
it was difficult to tell who was most attracted to the inviting
aroma of the freshly baked baguette from the boulangerie,
le Papa, la Petite Mademoiselle…or M. le Chien!
Available in archival gallery prints and
as a custom printed photo note card.
©2016 Steve Ember
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May I recommend this engaging mystery-romance?
Susanne Kämmner 24/01/2016 19:34
Thanks a lot for your nice comments on some of my Venice photos, Steve. Seems to me as if it doesn´t play a role if Venice or Paris or ....? Everywhere one can find wonderful everyday stories if one uses its eyes and sensibilities ;-)Luigi Scorsino 23/01/2016 9:38
A magnificent moment Steve !! Have a nice day,luigi
Mauro Tomassetti 14/01/2016 17:33
Beautiful street scene**!!Carlo.Pollaci 13/01/2016 12:24
Excellent street.Kind regards,
Johanna C. 13/01/2016 11:10
Excellent street capture!Best regards, Jo
Lucy Trachsel 13/01/2016 9:02
Very good street. The dog is really funny.