Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

9 years in Fotocommunity

Dream A Little Dream
I used to post an image every year on my "aniversary" and I named it "Dream a Little Dream" ..... since FC changed so many old friends have been replaced with new ones - and my title for the reflections on the past has changed too.
I thank all my dear friends for being there these past years - I miss many of you but am very thankful to have found new ones, and I appreciate your friendship and appreciation of my images !!!
Please enlarge ....\
With many thank you's to ntali this image is now in the voting channel.

Comments 95


Folders FC Gallery
Views 18,576


Camera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Lens Unknown 6-72mm
Aperture 4
Exposure time 1/500
Focus length 12.1 mm
ISO 100


Gallery (Special)
16/01/2018 57 Pro / 43 Contra

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