Die Farbenflüsterin

Free Account, Düsseldorf

About me

"Only dead fish go with the flow"

.The Farbenfluesterin

fascinate humans, animals, plants, the macro world - just as the unseen moments, the moments with their very own light moods, colors and shapes. Details finds the ever interested artist noted as interesting as it understands also capture an entire scene.
On special way they supported the statements of their works through the use of different types of image processing programs.
Very happy it sets color filter techniques in their work. Montages as well as collages to customize it from their image collections and disclaims any use of alien Stock Photos from.
This distinguished their works through imagination and creativity and show the viewer an unmistakable signature of farbenfluesterin with guaranteed recognition.
So she creates works of different kind, playful of true detail until, colored to monochrome and now and then there is the artist even before the lens, sometimes with a grin factor, or in different emotional roles well in advance can pause for thought!
True to its motto "the creative freedom there are no limits, except you put it yourself," or "Only dead fish go with the flow" created the farbenfluesterin their works in love.
So they accompany feelings, joy and imagination from the moment the idea, during the execution until the completion of their artworks.

Alle hier gezeigten Bilder sind mein persönliches Eigentum. Sie unterliegen dem Copyright und dürfen ohne meine schriftliche Zustimmung in keiner Form privat oder gewerblich genutzt werden.

Copyright notice: All images shown here are my personal property. You are subject to the copyright and may be used without my written consent in the form of any private or commercial.

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  • Photographer (advanced stage)
  • Photo Editor / Designer
