My top photos
About me
Hello, or should I say "Guten Tag" !? My name is Mark, I'm an "Engländer" living in the Frankfurtregion.
About 1 year ago I bought a Canon 400D because I was becoming frustrated with my Canon Powershot A80. Things started off slowly with my new camera and the jump into the DSLR world was a big one but one I'm enjoying!
In the meantime I've now upgraded to the Canon 50D yay!
Thankfully I've got enough friends who are also new to the DSLR world that we can all go out together and learn from our mistakes and enjoy a beer or two at the same time!
Please feel free to comment on my pictures (positive AND negative) because any small tips and tricks can help newbies like me more than you probably think.
About 1 year ago I bought a Canon 400D because I was becoming frustrated with my Canon Powershot A80. Things started off slowly with my new camera and the jump into the DSLR world was a big one but one I'm enjoying!
In the meantime I've now upgraded to the Canon 50D yay!
Thankfully I've got enough friends who are also new to the DSLR world that we can all go out together and learn from our mistakes and enjoy a beer or two at the same time!
Please feel free to comment on my pictures (positive AND negative) because any small tips and tricks can help newbies like me more than you probably think.
Jazzaza 03/03/2011 13:54
Danke, gleichfalls.Jazzaza 11/02/2011 11:18
Everlong.T. Schiffers 11/08/2010 18:28
Danke für das Lob & die Anmerkung! Kannst ja ab und zu mal reinschauen!Grüße Tino
Lea Orthofer 14/06/2010 15:05
Ein überfälliges Dankeschön für deine Anmerkung!Stefan Abele 06/06/2010 14:12
Danke für deine Anmerkung! Freut mich, wenn meine Fotos gut ankommen! Thank you, StefIngo Jeuck 07/05/2010 17:59
das freut mich zu hören !Lg
Jazzaza 02/05/2010 22:56
Thanks for the shoot wiggy, it was a fab sunday afternoon!!! xxx everlong.Petro Rigos 16/02/2010 15:08
Hi man! No new pics...same situation as I?Thanks for your nice Winterwellen-comment.
Bye for now.
Petro Rigos 21/01/2010 21:58
So mein Bester! Genug der Kommentare ... war ich zu direkt? Nee, ne?So und nun husch ich mal ins Körbchen!
Viele Grüße...Petro
Petro Rigos 21/01/2010 21:26
Dear Mark, my unpatient!First of all I like your new profilepicture (because of the changing frequence: it is the one your girlfriend took...the great shoe with the unsharp guy in the back).
And now let's have a look at your new pics.
Aida Pekusic 17/01/2010 20:31
Hi Mark,danke für die Anmerkung. Es heißt tatsächlich sweet corner, also süße Ecke, weil an dieser Ecke gleich zwei Konditoreien sind. Diese gibt es wohl seit ewigen Zeiten sodass sie eine echte Institution in der Stadt sind.
Schmerzfrei 11/12/2009 19:31
GENAU!!! Wir wollen Bilder sehen!!!Michael Hornung 19/11/2009 14:11
Wir wollen Bilder sehn ;)br0k3n 11/11/2009 14:55
..Bedanke mich für deinen Kommentar!:)
liebe Grüße
Skyblue 04/11/2009 10:43
hallo Marc,danke für deine Aufmerksamkeit,werde den Lapsus gleich bügeln.......;-)
Lg Jos