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Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 1 of 14
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Ok everybody, this is probably what you've all been waiting for. My last question before buying my new camera. I appreciate all the advice more than you know.

Anyway, the camera store that I'm going to tomorrow has a buy two, get one free sale on lens filters. I know I need a circular polarizer, but I'd like to know your thoughts on what the other two should be. Here are my choices:

All are Quantaray, which the clerk told me were made by Tiffen, so I figured they would be good quality.

1A Multi-coated
Skylight 1A
UV Multi-coated
Neutral Density +4

Which two filters out of this list of four would I find the most usefull?

Brad Waldera
The old Truck. The old Truck. Brad Waldera 17.09.05 8
Thomasina Leigh Thomasina Leigh Post 2 of 14
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Skylight 1A

Neutral Density +4

But its a very limited offer.

Good luck
Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 3 of 14
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neutral density...is always a good one
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 4 of 14
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Anyone else care to comment? I'm leaving for the store in a few hours, and want to make the right choice.

I'll get the Polarizer, and Neutral Density +4, but what one should I pick from the rest?

Should I get the 1A Multi-coated, Skylight 1A, or UV Multi-coated?

Also, does anyone have any comments on the Nikon 55mm f/1.8? I heard some good things yesterday about it, but wonder if I'll need it, as I'll get the Nikon 18-70mm kit lens with the camera. Thanks everybody.
Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 5 of 14
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why bother with that focal length when you have it with the 18070, rather save your money and get something wider or longer
Anastasiya Ivanova Anastasiya Ivanova Post 6 of 14
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Nikon 55mm f/1.8? It's a pretty good lens. Will you need this? I think that is suitable for human figures photography.
emm...You said that you got to wait till next February for the neu camera doesn't it?
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 7 of 14
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Well, here is what happened.

I had promissed a client of mine that I would take pictures of her family members at her uncle's 90th Birthday party. The party is two weeks from today.

I had a willing buyer for my old camera, a Panasonic Lumix FZ20, so I sold it two weeks ago for the exact amount I wanted to get.

I had planned on using my tax return, which I'd get in February, to purchase a D70s. I qualified for the financing program at the camera store where I planned to buy the D70s, so I went there yesterday to get that camera.

The clerk had sold their last one earlier this week, and had no idea when they were going to get another one in stock.

I was kind of in a bind, so I bought the D50 with the kit lens, and used the money I saved to buy the fastest SD Card they had, and three filters. I had heard good things about the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 lens, and could get it mailed to my home in a week, so I got that too. Plus, I figured, for the job I have to do, this lens should be sufficient.

My plan now, is to get a really good quality 70-300mm lens in February. In the meantime I'll use the kit lens and the 50mm. I think this will work well for what I like to do, and will be a good camera for my first DSLR. I can move up in a couple years to something like the D70s.

Let me know what you think, and if anyone has some hints for me about the D50, I'd appreciate it.

Here is a photo I took today, my first day out with my D50.


Post Edited (2:26h)
Anastasiya Ivanova Anastasiya Ivanova Post 8 of 14
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Just ask if there any difficulties, I tell teach you how to operate. Actually there is very very few difference between D70 and D50, One bigger, one smaller, that's all.
Before 19.11 I will be end with the membership, so it is better before that when I still have access to enter here and members talk.
There has the latest Nikon lens announced 18-200mm, pretty nice one. (together with Nikon D200...)
Or 55-200mm, not bad either, much cheaper. (already available in the market)
Marino Mannarini Marino Mannarini Post 9 of 14
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well, i have the 50/1,8 and it's gorgeous for porttaits and full figure (remember it is really a 75 mm on the APS sensor)
I wouldn't go for the 18-200 or not even the 55-200. All this kind of zooms have 4 to 5x magnifing ratio which is too much for quality, and they are all 4,5 ot 5,6 maximum aperture, which is bad for the autofocus in scarce light, anf makes you work with high ISO/ASA to get a fast enough shutter speed time, so you have noise problems the on the picture.
The 18-70 is not a too bad all-rounder, but has a lot of distortion at full aperture.
In my experience, large aperture lenses and max 3x zooms (i.e. 17-55, 80-200) are the best lenses both for quality and operative freedom they can offer. Of course they cost some more
Anastasiya Ivanova Anastasiya Ivanova Post 10 of 14
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Well prices consideration...18-200 50-200 are much cheaper and reasonable to buy one.
For f2.8 series... just go back and get more money for them...
Marino Mannarini Marino Mannarini Post 11 of 14
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I know they are cheaper...but you can have a look in the second-hand stuff, you know...I would wait a bitmore to get a better lens :-)
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 12 of 14
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I really only got the 50mm f/1.8 for taking portrait shots at the function I am to attend. It is a birthday party for a 90 year old gentleman, and a lot of people will be coming. My job is to simply walk around and take photographs of the people there, as quite a few of these people do not frequent this area very often.

I just thought the 50mm f/1.8 would do a better job than the kit lens that came with the D50. I wanted to upgrade to the kit lens that comes with the D70s, but they didn't have any left.

Between the kit lens, and the 50mm, that should be good enough for closer shots. I'd like to get a real good quality 70-300mm to use for distance and macro.

Should I look at the Nikon lenses first, or the Sigma and Tamron? I looked at a Quantaray 70-300mm Saturday. The store clerk says that they are made by Sigma. I don't know if they are of poorer quality than the regular Sigma, to be priced so cheap, or if it is just a good deal. It seems nobody has much experience here with the Quantaray lenses.

Anyway, if anyone thinks the 50mm would not be a good choice for what my plans are for it, let me know. If anyone can highly reccomend a good 70-300mm, I'd sure like to hear from you. Thanks.
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 13 of 14
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On my lunch break, I went down to the river to try out my camera with the filters I bought for it. What do you think?

Red River Dam Red River Dam Brad Waldera 02.11.05 2
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 14 of 14
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its GREAT!
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