Nikon Solutions Expo

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Deleted user Deleted user Post 1 of 12
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Anyone going to the Nikon Solutions Expo at the Olympia Conference Centre 22 - 23 November in London ?? Have you been to anything like this before and if so was it worth attending ... I have been to quite a few Expos in the mobile phone sector and some are great and you end up with a bag of foam novelties and l
keyrings etc etc ;0) and some were a waste of a day's business ... also if someone is looking to attend but would like someone to attend with I may be going ... don't all shout out at once !!! ... /Itemid,1/

Post Edited (1:19h)
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 2 of 12
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it sounds interesting Paul!
Deleted user Deleted user Post 3 of 12
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Come on - anyone going in London ... Nikon expo ... I know we dont have many London members but anyone in the Uk can get there quite cheaply ...
Robert Riley Robert Riley Post 4 of 12
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I am going Paul.
Deleted user Deleted user Post 5 of 12
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damn.. I'd love to go. I bet the new Nikon toys will be there to play with too :/
Ingo Petzny Ingo Petzny Post 6 of 12
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Well, there a lot of London members here, but not much of them looking into the text forums......

Maybe start a "searching for London members Thread?" :-)
Deleted user Deleted user Post 7 of 12
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Nice one .. I think it would otherwise be a while before I get to see a D200 ... Regards, Paul.

Thanks for the advice Ingo ..
Robert Riley Robert Riley Post 8 of 12
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I dont think there any many out there at all.
Deleted user Deleted user Post 9 of 12
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I am going to miss the Nikon Expo - I have just seen in AP that we have a photography show in Lincoln on Wednesday - I will go to that because it has many manufacturers ... and it is a lot closer !!! It is the London Camera Exchange Groups exhibition ..

Yes Robert .. the Lincoln show organisers have said they probably won't have a finished D200 but may have a pre-production test model to try out ... they will have the 5d though and lots of other goodies if anyone is interested. Thanks for the replies anyway ..
Thomasina Leigh Thomasina Leigh Post 10 of 12
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Have a nice day Paul. Let us all know about the bargains.
Deleted user Deleted user Post 11 of 12
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Thomasina - not many real bargains that can't be bought via mail order so I kept my wallet firmly in my pocket so I could buy at my own speed rather than rushing ... but .. I found out a few things ...

I didn't like the Minolta cameras or lenses ... the image stabilisation on the 7d didn't seem to work as well as the same function on the Canon lenses .. even when the Canon lenses where much higher focal length ... the 7d relies on lots of buttons and dials rather than being menu driven but I wonder how useable this camera is in the dark ?? and the menu still looked very confusing.

The new Sony prosumer camera (can't remeber name but it is over 10mp) is a nice big camera and is a pleasure to use but it was a pre-production model so it was still to be refined ...

The 5d is a very nice camera - in fact all the Canons from 20d upwards are really very nice .. especially liked the improved screen on the back of the 5d and the actually wonderful wide-angle you can get with the 5d full-frame sensor.

I have often heard people talk about weight issues when using cameras for a few hours, out and about .. but I never realised how true it was till I lifted a 1dsmkII with an L series 100 - 400 IS zoom ... WOW !!!!! My children don't weigh that much !!!!!!!!! That is one big, expensive pile of electronics and glass !!!

The 1dsmkII needs a bigger screen at the back ...

The Canon i9950 printer produces A3 prints that are UNBELIEVABLE in both colour and detail - it has to be seen !!! .. even an A3 low-light image from a 350d looked pin sharp and amazing ...

The Nikon display was a bit weak because it only had a d70s and a d50 .. and some film cameras to give you an idea of the look and feel of some of the more expensive cameras not there ..

The Manfrotto 055proB with a 322rc2 gripper release head is a great piece of tripod kit (I have been looking at this recently) ... but it probably would not be suitable for a big dslr like the 1dsmkII with a 100-400 lense or the l series 300mm lense or any other weighty set-up .. especially with the gripper set up in vertical hold .. too much leverage for that weight ..

Anyway that's just a few of my findings that may or may not be of use to someone .. I had a good time anyway ... :0) apart from nearly falling to sleep on a single carriageway on the way back at 60mph ...
Thomasina Leigh Thomasina Leigh Post 12 of 12
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Thanks Paul
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