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Gil Penaflorida Gil Penaflorida Post 1 of 5
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Hi I'm a new member of this site and I would love to interact with you guys and hope to be able to share some ideas and receive some from you guys too. I live in the Philippines and currently working full time with a US company based here. I'm a serious hobbyist not professional but would jump into that in the very near future.

My current gear are; Nikon D70, F100, F70, FM3a and FM2n, Nikkor 28-105 AF, 24-120 VR, 80-200 2.8 AF-D, 85 1.4 AF-D, 50 1.8 AF-D and MF AI-S lenses; Nikkors 28 2.8, 35 2.0, 45 2.8P, 55 2.8 Micro, 105 2.5.

I was into photography in the late 70s but has been into hibernation for more than a decade before I pick it up again in early 2004 heavily inspired by the new DSLR D70 at that time. So here I am now back into my love of photography with more passion. Good day to all.

Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben Post 2 of 5
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New inspiration due to Digital, where have i heard that before ?? 8-)

Welcome and hope you will enjoy being here !
Deleted user Deleted user Post 3 of 5
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Yes the digital advancements have re-kindled many people's obsession with photography ... nice to have you here Gil. Regards, Paul.
Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 4 of 5
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Hi Gil from Vancouver, Canada
Martin Unger Martin Unger Post 5 of 5
0 x Thank You
Welcome, Gil, nice to see you here! I'm sure you will find a lot of inspiration on this site!
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