losing colour in uploaded pics

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Deleted user Deleted user Post 1 of 9
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all my pics seem to have lost there colour after uploading . 1st i change the size to the required 1000 pix max. and then go to "save for web" and make sure that the pic doesn't excede 130 k. all this is done in photoshop. where am i going wrong?
cheers to all
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 2 of 9
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you need to change your colormode to sRGB. or adobe 1998 in PS.
Deleted user Deleted user Post 3 of 9
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thanx dennis but i've already got that covered
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 4 of 9
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Deleted user Deleted user Post 5 of 9
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sorry, i didn't understand your last entry here. what i meant is that i already got the colour mode in my mac set on adobe rgb. thanx for your response though.
Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 6 of 9
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:)= is a smile
Marino Mannarini Marino Mannarini Post 7 of 9
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you should try:
1. check the greyscale that is on Fc homepage at the bottom, and see id you get an even ragne of greys
2. i had a similar problem with my old comp, and it was something that withe new monitor just disappeared, maybe it's a problem of calibrating the monitor, something that is often an underestimated problem
Martin Unger Martin Unger Post 8 of 9
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It might be that your colorsettings doesn't match those in fc.
When not working with a calibrated monitor you should choose those colorsettings (edit - colorsettings) in Photoshop or which program you use for editing:


Regards, Martin
Cecilia Duarte Cecilia Duarte Post 9 of 9
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It happens to me too. I believe it is my monitor's setting, everything (not only pictures) looks darker in there! so, thanks a lot for the tips! xD
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