how to run a photo competition??????? (?'s previously omitt

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Dave Kingsley Dave Kingsley Post 1 of 2
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I know this is a bit long winded but it was originally an e-mail then I found this site. I thought I'd leave it as is but if its not kosher, let me know, Dave

Hello Folks

I am an employee of a Local Government council and seek your advice on the subject matter. However, let me first say that my request is indeed presumptive and if you think too much so, please disregard my request, I will not be offended.

The council has for the last 3 years, staged a photographic competition, receiving 270 entries in 2002 and 500 in each of the last 2 years.

An excerpt from a report to Council late last year reads:

“With a record number of entries and close to a thousand people viewing the 2003 exhibition, it is considered that the event has the potential to grow into a foremost regional photographic competition in regional NSW and Australia. As with the 2003 event, there is significant corporate interest to sponsor the event and assist in the event’s growth”

As a keen photographer myself, and in fact a category winner in last year’s event, I wish to do all possible to see the event reach its fullest potential, and it is with this in mind that I seek your input.

As the council is not flushed with money, the judging panel of 4 reputable photographers were persuaded to donate their time, this year amounting to approx 4 hours.

I was present for some of this time, and whilst I do not wish to disparage these kind gents in any manner, having observed their methods, I do have some concerns.

I recall an article in ‘Better Photography’ – summer ’98 edition – on the topic of the judging of the AIPP Awards which has prompted me to write to a body with expertise in this area with a view to getting it right for future events, if it is in deed wrong to start with.

Each judge made his way through the mounted exhibition (categorised) on his own, recording a score out out of 100.

My thoughts are that it would be easier & perhaps more consistent if one was to record a score against each of a set of criteria and obtain an aggregate rather than the method adopted last year.

Some examples of criteria found on the net.
1) composition,
2) difficulty or uniqueness,
3) technical aspects (lighting, exposure and focus), and
4) overall impact.

technical Excellence,
wow factor (Impact) ... tition.htm

1. Impact
2. Creativity
3. Style
4. Composition
5. Print Presentation
6. Color Harmony
7. Center of Interest
8. Lighting
9. Subject Matter
10. Technical Excellence / Print Quality
11. Technique
12. Story Telling

Perhaps somewhere in there is a mean and just because the entries are from amateur photographers (99%), I see no reason that their work can’t be judged professionally giving some thought to identified criteria, and perhaps more formally rather than a process that appeared to me to be a bit hit and miss. And then again, there may not be a need to do anything at all.

Another question I have is “How to judge the overall winner and runner up and third place (if there need be a second & third).

This became an issue when I read somewhere that after having awarded category places, the top 30 (?) prints were again judged and compared to each other.

My thoughts are for 1st & 2nd in each category with perhaps the top 20 reconsidered for the overall winner but then why shouldn’t the overall winner be one of the category winners?????????????????????????

Would it be too onerous to insist the prints be mounted on foamcore or the like and unframed??

We have just found out we have funds available for this year’s competition and are aiming for an official opening on March 11th.

I thank you for your attention.
Dave Kingsley

Post Edited (17:07h)
0 x Thank You
Thank you for the piece of free advice.

Also below is anothe piece of information from me.
I came across your e-mail address while searching for websites dealing with photography.
I am a Medical Radiographer by profession. I have also been alongside practicing commercially photography for over a decade now. I have an experience in Photographing, Manual developing and printing of Colour and Black&White films and photos and of recent also embarked on use of computer techniques –scanning and digital photography.

I would much like to contribute ideas in form of articles to magazines,newspapers on commercial basis or as long as at least my time on the internet while doing this is paid for
Yours sincerely,

Weijagye Justus.
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