D50 owners, I could use some tips.

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Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 1 of 13
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I don't mean to take advantage of the message board, but it seems like it's been a little quiet. One more question couldn't hurt.

I have my first paying photo shoot in a little over a week. It's nothing serious, just taking indoor pictures of people at an old man's birthday party.

I figured I'd use the Manual setting on the camera, although the Portrait setting might be better, I'm not sure. Let me know what you think, if anyone has used both modes.

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you that have been using the D50 for a while could give me some suggestions on which settings give you the best results from the Optimize Image menu? I'm refering to the settings you can adjust for Sharpening, Tone Comp., Color Mode, Saturation, and Hue. I'd like to get the best results I can, but just got MY D50 last week. I don't have a whole lot of time to play with it, between now and then.

I find the kit lens to be adequate, but ordered a Nikon 50mm f/1.8 also. I heard it was a great Portrait lens, and it was well within my budget. I'll have both lenses with me, but which do you think would be the better choice?

Thanks again, to all who have helped me with all my questions over the last couple of months. I really appreciate it.

Brad Waldera.
Railroad Bridge. Railroad Bridge. Brad Waldera 02.11.05 2

I'd also be interested in finding out which 70-300mm lens would be the best one to get. Under $300 Am. dollars would be my price range. Thanks.

Post Edited (20:23h)
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 2 of 13
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Nothing? No D50 users out there?
Deleted user Deleted user Post 3 of 13
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I hope you get some user feedback soon, Brad.
Deleted user Deleted user Post 4 of 13
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There must be some out there ... maybe D50 owners are a bit shy ;0)
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 5 of 13
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The settings I'm looking for advice on would be different from the D70, wouldn't they?

I got my 50mm f/1.8 Nikon lens today. Time to go play.

Brad Waldera.
Quantxx Quantxx Post 6 of 13
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Hi, Brad

Sorry, I'm on D70
I always use the mode manual
Only using the autofocus
But I like portraits to have
a lot of contrasts
Maybe not your best choice
for a venerable's birthday.
Sorry to be of poor help on this.
Your bridge is beautiful
Very "Steinbeck"
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 7 of 13
0 x Thank You
Thanks anyway Johan. I went into a forum on another site, as I may have wore out my welcome here with too many posts. We'll see what happens.

Brad Waldera.
Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben Post 8 of 13
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Brad, no way you have worn out your welcome, however remember that probably most D50 owners are just beginning on the Dslr track themselves, as this is the perfect starters Dslr. That just means that many might not have enough experience yet themselves to share with you.
Remember also that knowledge does not come in a ready "package", it needs to be gained by doing and experiencing.
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 9 of 13
0 x Thank You
Thanks Ruud, I think you're right. I'll do some experimenting.

Dennis Veldman Dennis Veldman Post 10 of 13
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i saw a nikon camera in a strore yesterday.. the D2x? maybe? it was about 4500 euro's! WOOHOOO
somebody rob me a bank! :)

im waiting on a new cam will be released in 2 weeks or so..
Deleted user Deleted user Post 11 of 13
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Yes Dennis - I have left my nose print on a few camera shop windows ...

@ Brad ... yes Brad .. I have said it many times ... digital is great because it is free film with instant feedback .. so get out and practice .. trial and error is a very useful thing in digital that used to cost a great deal in time and money in the film days .. so make the most of the digital advantages by snapping away ... its part of how I learn .. I fire away and look at what I get .. gradually my success rate improves with the more I learn, getting to where I am today .. Have fun :0) Regards, Paul.
Brad Waldera Brad Waldera Post 12 of 13
0 x Thank You
Thanks for the advice. I got my new lens yesterday, and have been playing with it. I like it so far. I feel I need one more lens to have an adequate setup, a 70-300mm.

I read some posts on another site and some people there said the 70-300mm are not crisp after 200mm, so they reccomend a 28-200mm instead. I would like the full 300mm though. If you have any tips on a 70-300mm for $300.00 American or less, please let me know.

Here is a picture I took today with the Nikon 50mm f/1.8.

Simple Bricks. Simple Bricks. Brad Waldera 04.11.05 1
Robert Riley Robert Riley Post 13 of 13
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I will give you a tip Brad. I am assuming that the D50 has many of the features of the D70. Check if it uses the ML-L3 remote control. If it does get one immediately. Great tool for eliminating camera shake and for doing self portraits, not that I do many myself. Cost is 17 British Pounds.

Post Edited (19:55h)
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