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Carol Anderson

Canon to Corel PSP

Since I am the first responder in over 3 months either no one knows or no one has seen your post (this section in the forums is not looked at as much as say the Digital Photography section).

There could be any number of issues contributing to this and all of them are most likely to do with your computer set up. I have the Canon software and Corel Photo XI as well and mine open up everything, both JPG and CR2 (Raw).

Best advice I can give is to uninstall both pieces of software and then reinstall them making sure you also update both sets to the latest patches and versions based on your operating system (if it's a PC be wary of Windows XP vs Vista versions).

For Canon you can go here to get the latest: ... rtIndexAct

For Corel Photo XI use the "Help" "Check for updates" feature (buy the way mine is 11.20)
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Kombizz Kashani


Thank you friend.
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