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Young Balinese girl in Pura Agung Pulaki

Young Balinese girl in Pura Agung Pulaki

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Premium (World), Bangkok

Young Balinese girl in Pura Agung Pulaki

Brand actuel capture during the Tirta Yatra festival on 30th of May 2019
During the grandiose ceremony Tirta Yatra in the temple near the village Buleleng northwest of the island Bali.
The young girl's name is Yulan Ayu.She was holding a cane to frighten away the naughty macaques monkeys which attacked the plgrims to steel their food offerings.
I was begged to shoot this portrait photo.
The festivals name Tirta Yatra comes from Sanskrit and literally means holy water pilgrimage: a journey (usually of considerable distance) to seek and collect holy water for peoples homes.

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Folders Tirta Yatra festival
Views 10,657


Camera NIKON D700
Lens 28.0-105.0 mm f/3.5-4.5
Aperture 8
Exposure time 1/250
Focus length 75.0 mm
ISO 200

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