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The hell is shown in the temple backyard

The hell is shown in the temple backyard

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Premium (World), Bangkok

The hell is shown in the temple backyard

Inside the compound of Wat Phai Rong Wua is a department of the hell that shows many statues of what will happen with you if you sin to much during your lifetime. In this case you will be punished like this, you've to climb up a spiny
tree trunk).
Wat Phai Rong Wua doesn’t strike you as the kind of place you’d want to take your children, on a family vacation, but Thais from all over the country travel here, with their kids, to show them what can happen if they don’t say their prayers, or do bad deeds. Seems pretty weird, doesn’t it? I guess that’s why you hardly see any westerners around this place.

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Folders My homeland Thailand
Views 2,025


Camera NIKON D200
Lens ---
Aperture 6.3
Exposure time 1/250
Focus length 18.0 mm
ISO 250