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Headphones and CD mixing deck.

Cropped and sharpened in PS. Colours have not been altered.

Comments 5

  • Sarah D. Kiefer 30/03/2007 5:02

    (pssssssst. PS unsharp mask works better than regular sharpening on lots of different subjects...if you absolutely have to. LOL... sometimes i'm a PS junkie, lately not so much...) great twists in this abstract. very fun colors too.
  • Vitaly Sarwir 15/03/2007 20:34

    good photo.....i like foto....i like technics...i like your style!!
  • ruskkyle 26/10/2006 13:05

    cheers for the comments oliver.

    the noise in this photo irritates me - it was taken with my older camera which isn't so good in low light. i'll try some more with my new D80.
  • Oliver Suhr 26/10/2006 11:40

    A very strange composition, it's really abstract and the colours are great. Do you have some more?
    greetings, Olli