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Nature should be a friend

Nature should be a friend

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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Nature should be a friend

Delta of river Evros

Evros is a big river in region of Thrace, the North-East part of Greece, also forming the north-east border of the country with Turkey.The river empties forming a Delta into Aegean Sea and has along its course a huge area of 200km2 natural habitat declared by UNESCO as protected wetland. It is a habitat of many species of birds that find an ideal refuge for protection and breeding.. It includes many fresh-water lakes, brackish and sea water, lagoons,smaller rivers,reedy ditches, a tamarisk forest, sandy islets and swamps and many reedbeds.Mid-April to Mid-May migration can be fantastic with birds returning to breed.Among them Ibis, Ruffs, Sanpipers,Spur wings, Rapers(15 species), Falcons, Blue Rock thrushes,Buntings and a lot others. Of course Flamingos and all species of Pelecans,Storcs and ducks.You must get a special permit to cross the area which is heavily patroled.
Apart from April,the best period for bird watching, autonm is also a nice period for photography due to the wonderful colours and especially to the kind of peculiar texture of the soil among the lagoons and reeds.Fishing is selectively permitted in special periods at certain areas and under certain circumstances.

In the photo,patroling among the reeves.. Sometimes the watchman is entirely camouflaged in order to pass unoticed.

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