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Black Madonna of The Fields 6-6

Black Madonna of The Fields 6-6

17,515 70 Gallery

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Black Madonna of The Fields 6-6

She is an elder, a radiant grandmother that has seen life come and go, and crops rise and harvested. She recalls the children and families lost to illness and victimized from contaminated waters.

She is simply a survivor.

I have chosen a section of images from one small village the runs risks with contaminated water for the coke plant near by out side of Varanasi. It is not my goal as to show unhealthy children or adults, but rather to show you that the young and elders whom are lovable to other members and to us the reader/ viewer of images which fall to the lack of care from industrial hazards. Inevitably
These people will become ill to a point where they suffer.

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Folders Forgotten India
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24/03/2013 90 Pro / 10 Contra

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