Remote flash problem ;-((

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Rob Brydon Rob Brydon Post 1 of 1
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Hello my learned friends. I recently bought a Sony Alpha A100 and one of the trick devices I have for it is a "Remote Flash Trigger". I have an old Agfa (remember them?) flash and when I put it on the remote and fire it, it does flash but my subject is almost black (underexposed).
I have to lift the on-camera flash for the trigger to fire but even that isn't illuminating anything when the remote fires. I've cranked the ISO, widened the apeture and played with the shutter as much as I can but still no go. I can get an image that is just registering on the histogram but just.
I have read that the A100 is ideal for remote triggering as it does this automatically...aha right.
I see on the menu it lists options: "Flash control"- either ADI Flash or Pre Flash TTL...then
"Flash default": Autoflash or Fill Flash...and in WB it lists Flash +/-.
If anyone is getting their remote trigger to work on their Alpha, I'd love to know what the trick is. Thankyou boys and girls. Cheers..Rob
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