need help with images

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Linda Whitworth Linda Whitworth Post 1 of 3
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I am an advanced amateur photographer. My photos are GOOD but not GREAT. I would really like it if someone can check out my photo stream on Flickr. I can look at the photos myself and know where I went wrong, or what needs to be fixed. Just don't know how to perfect things. Would like to get some advice on how to fix things, what I'm doing wrong, etc.

To view my stream, go to:
Deleted user Deleted user Post 2 of 3
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You have asked a loaded, open-ended question.

First of all what constitutes a GREAT photo to you? Give an example of two or three from this site.

Second, what photo or two of yours do you think is your best? It is really only practical to answer you in a specific way if one can reduce the size of the question.

In looking at your Flickr stream I would say most shots are of the documentary, snapshot type. Nothing wrong with that, I have the same on my Webshots site. They are what they are, love em or leave em, end of story.

On Fotocommunity I only put my best technical and subject matter shots based on what I am trying to communicate - namely the natural beauty of the world that I have seen.

There have been many discussions on what is more important, the eye of the photographer or their camera equipment. It is generally agreed that good equipment does not guarantee good pictures - the eye of the photographer is the most important component in your kit (which of course really means that you are the most important part of making great shots).

So what are you trying to communicate with your pictures? What does your minds eye see that you want others to see as well?

As to technical things, try, try, try and try again. Read, look, ask and then try some more. Keep in mind the physical eye is "perfect" the camera eye is not so much! Post capture editing is widely used ... I bet there isn't a picture you can point out as one you think is GREAT that doesn't have some degree of this (I know mine do).

Also keep in mind that for every GREAT shot the photographer probably has dozens of not so great ones. They are not all going to be classics (read this thread ... =701&t=701

Post Edited (18:20h)
Deleted user Deleted user Post 3 of 3
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Hello Linda,

I've looked through your Flickr portfolio and I like a lot of your work, I would just suggest that you make more use of "The Rule of Thirds". ... of-thirds/

The only other thing that I would mention is the advice that a famous photographer gave to me nearly thirty years ago when I turned professional: -

"The perfect photograph is the one that came out just the way the photographer saw it, or the customer wanted it!"

Best of luck with your new business!

Kindest regards,
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