FD/EF adaptor ... or not

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Tri Tri Post 1 of 2
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new in photography with a 20D EOS Canon and some FD lenses. The question is does it worth it to use these lenses with an adaptor (i've heard it distorts a bit the picture), or just sell them and try to buy another EF?
I have a zoom lens FD 35-70 (2.8-3.5), one 75-200 (4.5) and a tiny one of 28 (2.8).
Robert van der Sanden Robert van der Sanden Post 2 of 2
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There are good adapters from Novoflex to fit Nikon, Mamiya, Hasselblad and Leica lenses to your EOS body, without optical elements. With FD there is only one adapter that fits and it has some glass in it that changes the focal length and reduces image quality. I have quite some FD gear myself but by the time I go digital I certainly don't bother to try and use the lenses on an EOS body.
I think you're much better off trying to get a second hand EF-replacement of your FD lenses. That will give you better value for money. I have almost all my FD gear second hand, in a very good condition. A real good place for used gear where I bought several items is KEH in the US.

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