We Are Amazon Foundation

Free Account, New York

About me

We Are Amazon is a non-profit foundation, incorporated in New York (USA) and Paris (France), and its mission is to save the Amazon Jungle from the threat of extinction which it faces, through an hectare adoption plan, by creating a Perpetuity Fund, Heritage of Mankind in HSBC Bank, audited by the multinational Ernst & Young

We Are Amazon will invest the financial yields from the Perpetuity Fund to provide direct or indirect financing to programs for reforestation, supervision, research, support for indigenous communities, health, education, housing, bio-commerce and ecotourism, amongst other things, all necessary to protect the Amazon Jungle, Lung of the World.


The Amazon region, known to all as the lung of the world, is the largest rainforest on this planet. It represents one third of South American continent, with an area of 7 million square kilometers, and the longest river in the world - the Amazon - runs through it.

In this immense jungle, which represents one tenth of all the woodland on earth, is called the "lung of the world” , because its dense vegetation cleans the greater part of the toxic gases on this planet. The carbon dioxide we produce when we breathe is toxic, is taken by these millions and millions of trees and turned into oxygen, through photosynthesis.

In recent decades, the Amazon jungle has suffered massive felling, and a severe degradation. Some 4,000,000 ha are destroyed every year. If the destruction continues at this pace, the great lung of the world will disappear for ever.

70,000 square kilometers of Amazon jungle has disappeared in recent years, an area the size of Panama. Every minute, the equivalent of eight football fields is cleared. In the last 30 years, an area the size of Chile has been lost.

The Amazon jungle has suffered from uncontrolled exploitation. It is not easy to control abuse, because the distances are so great - 11 European countries, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom, would fit into Amazonia.

The local inhabitants suffer the consequences of this irrational exploitation of the jungle. 3 million people, earning less than $100 a month, and without education or expectations, live in that region.

The world has a cancer in its largest lung. The Amazon contains one third of the worlds freshwater, and half of all plant species. Many of them are in danger of extinction due to the rapid loss of water and humidity. If the Amazon jungle disappears, the other humid jungles will follow it.

So, this is a disease which affects all humanity, and requires rapid and joint action before it is too late.
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