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Walk around the Shwedagon platform

Walk around the Shwedagon platform

14,456 3


Premium (World), Bangkok

Walk around the Shwedagon platform

Encounter of young local women go on a pilgrimage to the holy Shwedagon stupa.
Once weset foot on the main terrace, we followed the crowd and walk clockwise around the central stupa. As we walked around the perimeter, we found that all visitors to Shwedagon come to pursue devotions in different ways, from the pilgrims joining the clockwise walk around the stupa to the devotees spending minutes or hours rapt in meditation.
There is an underlying logic to the buildings, but we have to be Burmese Buddhist to make sense of it. The locals know what planetary post to visit (it depends on what day of the week you were born in), where to prostrate oneself when praying for success, and where to go if one wants a wish granted.

Comments 3

  • Benita Sittner 11/08/2020 17:01

    ...sagenhafte Aufnahme...wir haben den Rundgang in unserer Stunde Zeit nicht gibt dort so viele Eindrücke und man wird nicht satt zu schauen und zu fotografieren...ich wäre nochmals gerne dort....VLG Benita
  • ernst123 11/08/2020 12:16

    Starke Aufnahme aus einer nicht mehr ganz so fremden Welt ...
    VG Ernst
    • Pfriemer 11/08/2020 12:50

      Die Burmanen sind unsere Nachbaren von Thailand, deren Land meine Frau und ich seit 1981 oft bereisten. Jedes Mal aufs Neue ein faszinierendes Reiseziel mit faszinierenden Erkenntnissen. Gruß Wolfgang


Folders Burma called Myanmar
Views 14,456


Camera NIKON D200
Lens Tokina AT-X 124 PRO DX 12-24mm F4(IF)
Aperture 9
Exposure time 1/350
Focus length 24.0 mm
ISO 125

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