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Venturo colliery; Asturias - Northern Spain

Venturo colliery; Asturias - Northern Spain

709 2

Venturo colliery; Asturias - Northern Spain

This colliery was decommissioned in 1988. For some years its pit, winding engine and fans were maintained in service to give support on the event of an emergency to another colliery of its group nearby. Nowadyas after a refurbishing this facility has a new use, it hostes a new company devoted to cartography activities.

Comments 2

  • Ruben Alvarez 11/12/2007 18:40

    It was taken on 6th december. We are having a sunny autumn with a good light quality over here in Asturias.
  • Thomas Reitzel 11/12/2007 0:29

    Hi Ruben -

    in fact a typical picture of northern Spain! Lively colours, good composition!
