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Sorriego colliery; Asturias - Northern Spain

Sorriego colliery; Asturias - Northern Spain

653 3

Sorriego colliery; Asturias - Northern Spain

Decommissioned on the early 90s.

Comments 3

  • Paul Bickel (knobli) 24/06/2008 20:31

    Esta fotografia de Sorriego Colliery es muy guapa, me gusta mucho, yo conosco este pueblo, te saluda mi padre y tambien las mias.

    Paul & Luisa.
  • Ruben Alvarez 02/01/2008 19:54

    Thanks Ralf.
    I am happy you find this window to the industrie kultur in northern Spain interesting.
    I would say the same. I have the chance to see industrial kultur in central Europe, get many information upon and get in touch with people who like it because of your pictures and the rest of people interested in.
    Happy new year as well from Spain.
  • 02/01/2008 19:40

    Another fine example of what most of us would never get to see if it weren't through your contributions.

    Thank you very much indeed, Ruben, and a happy new year to you.
