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"preparandosi al viaggio" "preparing to travel"

"preparandosi al viaggio" "preparing to travel"

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stefano romei

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"preparandosi al viaggio" "preparing to travel"

questo ibis eremita fa parte di una colonia reintrodotta dopo la sua estinzione in europa.ogni anno accompagnati da uomini con velivoli ultraleggeri questi ibis partono da orbetello e volano fino all'austria.questo per cercare di riabituarli alle antiche rotte migratorie.
buona fortuna ibis!

This is part of a hermit ibis colony reintroduced after its extinction in europe.every year accompanied by men with microlight aircraft depart from these wwf oasis in orbetello and fly to Austria. wwf is trying to rehabit them to an ancient migration routes.
ibis have a good luck!

Comments 44


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Views 2,633


Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Lens Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Aperture 9
Exposure time 1/1250
Focus length 560.0 mm
ISO 500

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