965 6

Christian Maier (amarok)

Premium (Pro), Titisee-Neustadt

old library

f9 | 9 pictures - 1/5 - 60 sec | ISO 100 | 12mm

The books in this library were removed with beginning of the Thirty
Years' War for safety reasons to Magdeburg. When however the
troops of count of Tilly conquered the city and put them in debris and
ash, also these books burned. Since that time this library is empty.

Christian Maier (amarok)

Christian Maier (amarok)

Comments 6

  • L-o-r-a-n-t 23/02/2007 13:28

    sehr sehr schön gemacht!
  • Günther Müller (gm1) 18/02/2007 23:25

    Eine tolle Arbeit! So stell ich mir DRI vor, - den Dynamikumfang so zu erweitern, angepasst wie es unser Auge aufnimmt. Da wirkt doch nichts künstlich. Klasse, auch die anderen Bilder des Klosters!
    Manuell angepasst ?
    LG Günther
  • Maria Porter 15/02/2007 11:46

    Beautiful photograph!!
  • Robyn Raggio 14/02/2007 16:44

    What a sad story on the ages-old plight of the printed page. The building is incredible. And your sense of composition, exposure, color, crunchy details and rays of hope through that window have given it the aire of a sacred place. Which it is. Beautiful capture.
  • BRYAN CRUTE 14/02/2007 15:47

    Wonderful lighting, great composition.
  • Felix R. W. 14/02/2007 15:45

    Hi - wunderbar stimmige Aufnahme - tolles Licht. Gruss Felix