988 4


Free Account, Newcastle upon Tyne


Woodland edges, farmland hedges and gardens with relatively thick vegetation are favoured for breeding. It nests in trees or bushes, laying 3-8 eggs.

This species can form large flocks outside the breeding season, sometimes mixing with other finches and buntings. They feed largely on seeds, but also take berries and seeds.

The Greenfinch is 15 cm in length with a wing span of 24.5-27.5 cm and is similar in size and shape to a House Sparrow,[2] but is mainly green, with yellow in the wings and tail. The female and young birds are duller and have brown tones on the back. The bill is thick and conical. The song contains wheezes and twitters, and the male has a "butterfly" display flight

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Folders Wild Birds
Views 988


Camera NIKON D2Xs
Lens Sigma APO 500mm F4.5 EX HSM
Aperture 6.3
Exposure time 1/500
Focus length 500.0 mm
ISO 640

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