1,609 8


-vorm biergarten-
im biergarten, bei diesem schönen wetter versackt, mit viel lachen und lecker......immer wieder gerne....

endlich mal wieder und immer wieder bezaubernd:

... Heroine ...
... Heroine ...
MiSs DeAdLy

vielmals dankeschön.

Trudging slowly over wet sand
Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen
This is the coastal town
That they forgot to close down
Armageddon - come armageddon!
Come, armageddon! come!

Everyday is like sunday
Everyday is silent and grey

Hide on the promenade
Etch a postcard :
How I dearly wish I was not here
In the seaside town
...that they forgot to bomb
Come, come, come - nuclear bomb

Everyday is like sunday
Everyday is silent and grey

Trudging back over pebbles and sand
And a strange dust lands on your hands
(and on your face...)
(on your face ...)
(on your face ...)
(on your face ...)

Everyday is like sunday
Win yourself a cheap tray
Share some greased tea with me
Everyday is silent and grey

danke für den schönen tag! die prima idee! die nekkisch kamera! die bea! und einfach alles!
... faith healer ...
... faith healer ...
Der Boschdi


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